Facebook Remodel Ad
Carrie: "Looks Great"
Lori: "Wow! Stunning!!!!"
A Facebook paid ad caught my eye, with over 200 "likes." And you may initially like this bathroom too. But when you take a deeper look may come to realize this is an absolute nightmare of a design....
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And many people initially like this design, however the longer you look at it, you begin to notice the problem.
Can you see the problem yet?
Number Of Surfaces
By my count this bathroom has a minimum 10 finishes and colors. That is without itemizing the colors on the vanity, on the tiles, or on the floor.
This bathroom has an minimum 10 finishes. And that is way too busy for this small space. Or even for a space much larger. The sheet
Design Concerns
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And many people initially like this design, however the longer you look at it, you begin to notice the problem.
Can you see the problem yet?
The issue here is that most people aren't designers. They often invest in trends that become outdated within a decade, resulting in a poor investment that negatively affects their home's value. That is one problem
Other problems are low-quality finishes and materials, trendy colors, and poor installations.
Think of how terrible the average home remodel is.....
and realize half of them are worse than average!
Design & Psychology
Schizophrenic's cannot communicate well with the outside world. This is due to the high number of thoughts in their minds. Interior design can ALSO be schizophrenic, too busy with to many colors and design ideas.
This bathroom is extremely schzophrenic with 10+ surfaces and this is a VERY common problem. Well intended homeowners or contractors try to include everything and the bathroom remodel quickly looks as if it were designed by a child.
In Summary
A little discretion goes a long way. Reducing 1-3 finishes or colors would have made a large difference. To have made a good investment for the customer. But instead they have a mess that will not age well.
Also, the trendy gray is a bad design decision.
This Remodel is what I call a "Landlord Special." A landlord special is when a landlord picks the cheapest materials at Home Depot, and shoves it all together. And this is exactly why EVERYONE should hire a competent designer to give you as second opinion.
Most homeowners and contractors seem to make poor choices.
Always remember that less is more.
Stay away from the trendy colors or finishes.
Reach out to me with questions. Im happy to help.